Environmentally Friendly Range Toilet Seat Spray Sanitiser Service

Environmentally  Friendly Range

    • First Washroom Range manufactured from Recycled Plastic
    • Surface is been treated with an Anti-Bac agent
    • Every single part is replaceable, no need to discard the entire dispenser to conduct any repair
    • Long Life PP raw material, chemical and stain resistant
    • Most complete and extensive range in the hygiene / washroom market

The Enviro-LCS toilet seat sanitising spray uses a specifically formulated ethanol solution which is dispensed onto toilet paper and used to sanitise the seat.

The quick drying formula helps reduce cross contamination and provides the end user with peace of mind knowing that 99.99% of common germs and harmful bacteria have been eliminated. This promotes high quality personal hygiene at all times in the bathroom.

Show your staff and customers that you care about their wellbeing.

  • Available in white & black and chrome
  • Units 500 ml