Waterless Urinal – Service

If your waterless urinal is being used every day by more than 10 people, then it needs to be cleaned every day.

Regular maintenance of waterless urinals is critical to their proper operation. This regular urinal service ensures the waterless urinal valve is working properly and the urinal pipework is clear of any foreign matter that may affect its function. The regularity of the service depends directly on the amount of use your waterless urinal has and this cost should be taken into account when you are looking at the long term viability of a waterless urinal.

Please don’t assume that because we offer urinal cleaning as one of our services, that we are making too big a deal of the necessity for this step. If you don’t do it then your waterless urinal will NOT work long term. Guaranteed.


Should Waterless Urinals Smell Bad?

NO !!!

If this is the case then please feel free to let us know where the bad smelling urinal is located. We say this because, with more than 10 years experience in and around waterless urinals, we can confidently state that waterless urinals DO NOT SMELL bad – if they are looked after properly.


We can service all Waterless Urinals including:

  • Caroma H2ZERO Cube Waterless Urinal
  • Uridan Cadet Waterless Urinal
  • Aqualess Waterless Urinal
  • ANZA Waterless Urinal
  • Zero Flush Waterless Urinal
  • Baja Waterless Urinal
  • Flacon Waterless Urinal

Contact us for a complimentary quote