If you’re a property asset manager responsible for a safe washroom environment, contact us today here at Enviro LCS. We will design a tailored package for your washroom facility and help protect your reputation as well as the health of your building occupants.

Washroom services Mortdale

Enviro LCS has been in operation since 1990. Through the years, we’ve provided specialised, tailored and quality hygiene services to both large and small businesses and facilities including:

  • Commercial, hospitality and retail
  • Offices and other workplaces
  • Entertainment, leisure and sports venues
  • Council and other government offices
  • Education
  • Hospitals and aged care

Aside from our decades of experience and history, property asset managers in St George also choose us because of our commitment in sustainability. We always apply practical environment-friendly practices in our operations.

We recycle whenever practical and possible and avoid using harsh chemicals (and instead use high-pressure water in cleaning). We’ve also developed Sanisorb, a completely inert mineral that eliminates moisture and odour-causing bacteria.

Hygiene services Mortdale

We design a tailored package and provide modern hygienic solutions including the following:

  • Hand hygiene and drying (soap and paper towel dispensers, hand dryers)
  • Sanitary (manual and touch-free waste bins available)
  • Parent room (baby change stations, nappy waste disposal, antibacterial wipe spray)
  • Odour control (e.g. biozone air purification, scenting program for branding)
  • Male hygiene products (urinal treatment program, duo mat and sanitiser)
  • Antibacterial hygiene (hand sanitiser, toilet seat spray, antibacterial wipes)
  • Medical waste hygiene (safe handling and proper disposal of sharps and other medical waste)
  • Other services (vending machines for tampons and pads, automatic insect spray, air sanitiser service that kills airbourne bacteria)

We can continuously modify the package as your requirements change.

Contact us today if you require a professional, tailored and environment-friendly washroom service. We can always promptly service your washroom facility whether your building is at or near Ballantyne Rd, Depot Rd, Morts Rd, Pitt St, Boundary Rd, Breakwell St, Mutual Rd or Dardanelles St.