Poor washroom hygiene can result in outbreaks, low morale and damaged brand and reputation. To prevent that, it’s important to invest in a professional washroom service.

Here at Enviro LCS, we create tailored washroom maintenance plans and packages for property asset managers. For more than 30 years, we’ve been specialising in ensuring washroom environments are clean and smelling fresh. In addition, we apply environment-friendly practices that are often in line with the values and priorities of businesses, institutions and property asset managers.

Washroom services Oatley

Our operations cover both small and large buildings and facilities:

  • Commercial, hospitality and retail
  • Offices and other workplaces
  • Entertainment, leisure and sports venues
  • Council and other government offices
  • Education
  • Hospitals and aged care

We have the capabilities and manpower to handle large facilities and venues. For example, in the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic games, we were selected as the sole provider of sanitary services. This has demonstrated our capabilities to handle large assignments as well as adhere to the strictest requirements.

Hygiene services Oatley

Our tailored package often includes many of the following hygiene solutions and products:

  • Hand hygiene and drying (soap and paper towel dispensers, hand dryers)
  • Sanitary (manual and touch-free waste bins available)
  • Parent room (baby change stations, nappy waste disposal, antibacterial wipe spray)
  • Odour control (e.g. biozone air purification, scenting program for branding)
  • Male hygiene products (urinal treatment program, duo mat and sanitiser)
  • Antibacterial hygiene (hand sanitiser, toilet seat spray, antibacterial wipes)
  • Medical waste hygiene (safe handling and proper disposal of sharps and other medical waste)
  • Other services (vending machines for tampons and pads, automatic insect spray, air sanitiser service that kills airbourne bacteria)

Whenever practical and possible, we apply environment-friendly practices such as recycling, using high-pressure water instead of harsh chemicals and utilising solar power in our operations.

Contact us today if you require a professional, tailored and environment-friendly washroom service. We service the entire Oatley including government, healthcare, education and commercial buildings and facilities at or near Jew Fish Bay, Public Toilets, Acacia Street Reserve, Moore Reserve, Myrtle Street Reserve, Llewellyn St and Algernon St.