
Provide Your Employees and Visitors Need with Feminine Hygiene Vending Machines in Sydney

10 / 01 / 2019


Enviro~LCS understands the importance of safe and hygienic washrooms – it’s our job.

We offer a full range of sanitation services and products, including feminine hygiene, baby changing needs, Condoms and Brief vending machines in central Sydney. A hygiene vending machine in the Sydney CBD can allow your female customers to feel comfortable and see that you are committed to providing a good experience for them, and they are an essential part of maintaining a washroom that’s clean, hygienic and designed to meet your customers’ needs.

We can provide you with a feminine hygiene vending machine in Sydney as well as other washroom essentials such as sanitary disposal units, nappy disposal, hand sanitiser, hand dryers, and more.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your customer experience.


For businesses in the hospitality or service industry in central Sydney and surrounds, a clean washroom can be the difference between an excellent customer service experience and a poor one. For example, in a restaurant, the memory of a washroom that needs attention can last throughout a customer’s dining experience, colouring their perception of your restaurant. It can even become a topic of conversation, and negative reviews travel even faster via word-of-mouth than positive ones.


Project a Clean Image

When your washroom is clean and neat, it helps produce positive feelings about your business. That’s because customers may equate how clean your restroom is with how hygienic your entire business is – especially in a restaurant. Many people won’t even use washrooms that aren’t clean, meaning lost revenue if enough people find yours dirty. A regular cleaning routine is a useful way to establish consistently neat and sanitary facilities and provides your employees with productive structure.


Create Customer Trust

If your business is in the hospitality or service industry, clean washrooms can give your customers peace of mind about the rest of your operations. An unclean washroom can present customers with pessimistic ideas about other areas of your business, including customer support. This means that customers may scrutinise your services even more closely and be more likely to argue about specific issues. A clean washroom may seem like a small thing, but it’s a significant way to help customers develop an image of your business that’s positive overall. Most businesses in the Sydney CBD have plenty of competition, so a great customer experience is key to your success.


Eliminate Customer Complaints and Bad Reviews

In the age of the Internet, it doesn’t take much for a bad review to be visible to a vast number of potential customers. One popular blogger commenting on the state of your washrooms is enough to discourage many others from visiting you. Clean washrooms show your dedication to a positive customer experience, and your customers notice and appreciate these efforts. They’ll often reward you with positive reviews, encouraging others to frequent your establishment. Furthermore, if your washrooms are clean and customers are comfortable using them, they may be more likely to stay longer – lingering over dessert or another round of drinks, bringing in more money for your business.